Getting into character requires more than a great voice. Getting Into Character and Finding Success Using sample scripts, like these video game voice over scripts, is a great way to build up strength in this area. Learning to understand a script, rather than simply reading it, is something that requires constant practice. In their “Day in the Life” webinars, voice actors Anatol Silotch and Katie Harrington explained how important practicing with sample scripts was to their early success. There are so many pieces to the voice over puzzle that go beyond simply recording your voice and submitting an audition. Uncovering Your Niche With Sample Scripts Our Beginner’s Guide to Voice Acting provides a great primer on taking the plunge and developing your career in the voice over business. Only when you’ve exposed yourself to all three and dedicated time to developing skills from each, will you find exactly what you enjoy and where you flourish as an animation voice actor. Think of each of the above as the posts of a three-legged stool.
According to voice actor and coach Shelly Shenoy, in order to succeed in the area of voice over that you’re most drawn to-in this case, animation-you need to expose yourself to the 3 main ‘buckets’ of voice over: In today’s voice acting industry, specializing in one kind of voice over doesn’t mean only knowing one thing.
Owning Your Niche Without Pigeonholing Yourself One of the reasons for this is the ease with which cartoon voice actors can now record high-quality voice over performances and take part in live-directed sessions remotely. While live-action film productions often call for large crews and on-location shooting, animators have the unique ability to continue working from home.
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However, one branch of the movie business that was prepared to keep producing at full capacity was the animation industry. The state of the entertainment industry changed significantly over the course of the past year, with COVID-19 restrictions forcing most film shoots to grind to a halt.
Performing Cartoon Voice Over Work Remotely If you’re aspiring to break into cartoon and animation voice over work, these tips and tricks can lead the way. With some hard work and persistence, the following insights will help you make your entrance into the world of character work. The good news is that breaking into the field of cartoon voice acting is a lot easier than you may have first imagined. Getting started in any new career can be daunting, but launching a new beginning as a cartoon voice actor can feel even more intimidating than more run-of-the-mill career paths.